May 252015

The February meeting of Kenn W.I. was well attended.

Our speaker was Mr Brian Cherry the Treasurer of Clevedon Care, our Charity for 2014.

He told us of the workings of the charity and how it relies solely on donations and the goodwill of its volunteers to enable the service to continue.

The service is available to everybody, a nominal charge is made which goes to the driver to cover their costs. At least one member of the W.I. had used the service and was very pleased with the service provide.

Kenn played Marksbury W.I. in the second round of skittles at the Crown Inn at Regil. At the end of a good match Kenn won by 19 pins. We look forward to the next match and hope our opponents are nearer to home.

We will be providing the coffee and cakes at the village market on Saturday 14th March. Proceeds to go to the League of Friends of Clevedon Hospital. Please come and support us.

Our March speaker will be Rupert Higgins who will be talking on “The work of the Avon Wildlife Trust”. Rupert is a freelance ecologist and l am sure his talk will be very interesting. As normal visitors are very welcome to come to the meetings.

 Posted by at 5:46 pm

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