Dec 122011

We had our Christmas meeting on Monday 19th December.  We all agreed that ‘The Help’ by Kathryn Stockett is a fabulous book. As it was so near to Christmas we had given ourselves a bit of latitude.  There was no pressure to have completed reading the book.  However between us some had read the whole book and others had only got a few chapters in. We discussed the language, pace and attitudes in the novel.  The trusted reading companions who had finished the book did not give away the ending to those of us who had not. 

 We are going to discuss this book again on Tuesday Jan 3rd 2012. We hope to convene this time in the Drum.  The following meeting will also be in January 2012. We are to meet again in January on Tuesday 31st Jan 2012.    We will discuss ‘Bone and Cane’ by David Belbin.    This is a crime novel so it should be Interesting.

 Posted by at 3:12 pm

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