May 112016

A bit gloomy today, which is a shame, but since I have to change the door handles it’s no bad thing.  (The last occupier took all the spindles (as well as all the light fittings – he left bare wires in the walls and ceilings), so if a door shuts, it stays shut, even if there is a person inside trying to get out).  So far we’ve only had entrapment when there’s been someone around to fetch a screwdriver, but enough is enough, and today is the day I do the replacement.  It has to be, really, because I closed the door on the ironing (like I always have done – out of sight, out of mind) and now we have nothing to wear.  thumb_IMG_4824_1024 thumb_IMG_4825_1024

 Posted by at 9:00 am

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