Dec 052013

05 Dec 2013
Yatton C of E Junior School

Dear Parents,

I am writing to communicate that there have been two incidents in the last two days of a man in silver van trying to gain the attention of two year 6 girls in the village. Last Monday PCSO Kate Turner did an assembly in both schools about Stranger Danger. I am pleased to say that both girls used this advice and kept themselves safe, I have repeated it to the Junior School today. I would like you to know that the police are fully informed. I would advise that parents remain vigilant when on the school run and if your child comes to school independently make sure that they walk in a groups and get home when you expect them. Staff will also be vigilant at the beginning and end of the school day and I have asked our PCSO when available to be around too. Working together will help maintain the safety of all our children. Thank you.

Jo Keeble

Ref 49363989 

 Posted by at 6:03 pm

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