Nov 012013

Terry Merrett-Smith came to the October meeting of the Kenn W.I. to tell us about the life and music of Irving Berlin.

We all enjoyed listening to snatches of the film and stage songs that are so well known to us all. Irving Berlin was unusual in that he wrote the words as well as the music to his songs which is why they are so memorable.

In November we welcome a return visit from Alan Mildren who is going to tell us about the Liberty ship James Eagen Layne. Last time he came to talk to us about Lundy Island and showed us some amazing and beautiful pictures of the undersea plant life that is growing off the Lundy coast in a protected site.

The members and their guests have been to a celebratory lunch at Gatcombe Farm to mark the 60th birthday of the W.I. in Kenn. Judging by the decibels that were rising from our tables we all had a wonderful time and ate a superb meal. Margaret Burdge made our cake and Edna Baber iced it for us. It was a tour de force.

We are looking forward to the Annual Flower Arranging evening on November 20th. This year the demonstrator will be Jackie Parkin. We hope to see lots of people there. Tickets are available at £5 to include coffee and home made biscuits.


The Annual Christmas Flower Demonstration will take place in the Village Hall on Wednesday November 20th at 7.30 p.m.

The demonstrator this year will be Jackie Parkin.

All the arrangements will be entered into the raffle so you might get to be lucky enough to take one of them home with you.

The tickets which have been beautifully printed by Hazel are now available from any member. They are becoming collectors‟ items, so make sure that you get one! 

 Posted by at 5:04 pm

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