A book of Receipts
A Book of Receipts
‘Written off in a fresh book by Edward Symons, July 1st 1827’
Jane Lilly’s transcript, made with the owner’s permission
The original book is the property of Mary Walters, Clevedon. It was previously owned by a lady brought up in Jacob’s Wells, Bristol, who married a Cornishman
1827 Recipe book
List of recipes
Page 1
1 To cure hams for two Mrs Mereweather
2 To make egg balls Mrs Heneage
3 To make sausages Mrs Mereweather
4 Quins fish sauce
5 To make cheap family soup
6 To make mulberry syrup
Page 2
7 To make black puddings
8 To clean plate Mrs Wolfrestan
9 To collar eels
10 To make cheesecakes Miss Fry
11 To cure bacon the common way Mrs Pullin
Page 3
12 To make carrot soup Mrs Wolfreston
13 To make brawn
14 To make currant jelly
15 To make hartshorn jelly Mrs Wm Stock
16 To make milk punch
Page 4
17 To prevent bread from being bitter
18 To pickle small onions
19 To pickle large plums Mrs Mereweather
20 A family plum cake
21 To pot butter for the winter
22 To make Patties
23 To pickle red cabbage Mrs Somebody
Page 5
24 Sally Lunds Mrs Pearse
25 To make elder wine
26 To pot beef
27 For a giddiness
28 To pickle mushrooms white
29 To pickle beef or tongue
30 Red currant wine
Page 6
31 To make walnut catchup
32 To make a good plain cake
33 To stew eels, soles or any kind of fish
34 A gargle for a sore throat Mrs Heneage
35 To make mushroom catchup
36 To make good pastry Mrs Britain
37 For the rheumatism Mrs Heneage
38 To dress a calfs head like a turtle
Page 7
39 A good pudding without milk
40 To make ginger wine Mrs Simmons, Mrs Austin, Calne
41 To make minced pies Mrs Mereweather
42 To make Dutch beef
43 To make pease soup
Page 8
44 To stew pigeons
45 To make a common bread cake
46 To make minced meat
47 Apple marmalade [sheet inserted into book]
48 To make a pickle of brawn
Reverse of apple marmalade sheet, inserted into book
49 To preserve apricots green
Page 9
50 To pickle beef. This receipt given me by Richard
51 To stew pears
52 An orange pudding
53 Baked gooseberry pudding Miss Davies
54 Corporation pudding
55 To preserve currants
56 To make a short crust
57 A good plain cake
58 To make currant shrub
Page 10
59 Veal cake
60 To make Indian pickle Mrs Maundrell receipt
61 Cheese cake [on an inserted sheet]
62 To preserve magnums bonums [plums] Mrs Howard, Calne
Page 11
63 Little plum cakes Mrs Henage
64 To make boild custards
65 Rice flummery Mrs Fry
66 To make little puddings
67 To make raspberry jam
68 To make a diet bread cake Mrs Heneage
Page 12
69 To make jelly broth Miss Harrison
70 To make raison wine
71 For fine wine
72 Strengthening broth
73 Nottingham ale
74 A light paste for tarts Mrs Wolfreston
Page 13
75 For a dropsy. This recovered Mrs Heneages servant when he had been
tapp’d several times
76 A receipt for a cough
77 To make gooseberry wine
78 To pickle hams, tongues, beef &c
79 Un-named recipe for gooseberries
80 To make currant wine
81 Lemon wine Geo Edward Symons
Page 14
82 To make common cake
83 Mince pies
84 Good lavender water
85 For the rheumatism
86 For a cough
87 Horse medicine and For the harness
Page 15
88 Cheese cakes Miss Jones
89 Un-named recipe for a type of pudding in a basin
90 To destroy bugs
91 For a cough
Written off in a fresh book by Edward Symons July 1st 1827
To cure hams for two
Lay your hams before the fire to soften then when they are softened enough beat them with your hand, then take one pound of coarse sugar, on ¼ of a pound of salt petre, ditto of petre salt, ditto of Bay salt, mix them well together with two pounds of Bristol salt and lay it on your hams, first rubbing them over with a little vinegar. Add a little strong beer, pouring it into the pan.
Mrs Mereweather
To make egg balls
Boil 8 eggs hard, take out the yolks. Pound them well. Then put plenty of pepper, salt, parsley with one raw egg. Mix them well together. Roll them the size of a marble. You must boil them five minutes.
Mrs Heneage.
To make sausages
Take of veal and pork an equal quantity, let it be free from sinews or skin and chop it very small, then add to it half as much beef suet as meal, let it be chopped fine with the meal then beat it in the morter and season it with pepper, salt, nutmeg, sage, thyme mince it small and work it with two or three eggs.
Mrs Mereweather
Quins fish sauce
Half a pint of walnut catchup, the same of mushroom catchup, six anchovies, six cloves of garlic, three of them whole and three pounded. Half an ounce of Kyan [cayenne] pepper. Put all these ingredients into a bottle and sake it before you use it. A table spoonfull is sufficient for a boat of melted butter.
To make cheap family soup
Take four pounds of course beef, cut into small slices. One quart of white peas whole, one ¼ of a peck of mealy potatoes pared, 1 pound of carrots sliced, ditto of turnips, ditto of onions, salt and pepper to your taste, some celery, sweet herbs. To these put three gallons of water and stew them over a gentle fire for 5 hours, taking care to keep the pot closely covered. The whole will become eatable together and will afford 3 gallons of most wholesome, agreeable and nutritious soup without the expence of bread. NB one pound of good course bacon is reckoned equal to two pounds of beef for making common soup, and is a very valuable ingredient.
To make mulberry syrup
Put the mulberries into the preserving pan over a slow fire and when the juice is sufficiently drawn take it off and strain it. To every pint of juice add a pound of loaf sugar and boil it about half an hour or till it becomes thick syrup.
Mrs Howard.
To make black puddings
Take of gruts [groats?] one pint, or rice, stew them in milk and take care they do not burn then take sweet onions, sweet marjoram, winter savery, penny royal of each a little chop them very fine. Then make bread crumbs, take fat according to the quantity you mean to make and mix all well together, then add a little sweet spice and 4 or 5 eggs. Let them boil about half an hour, not very fast, and keep pricking them all the time.
Mrs Pullins.
To clean plate
Two ounces of powdered burnt hartshorn [ammonia substitute in those days, jsl]. Put into a clean pot with one quart of soft water into which put a cotten cloth and let it boil until all the powder is boiled up into the cloth which you must dry and keep for use.
Mrs Wolfrestan.
To collar —-eels
Skin your eels, cut off the heads, slit open the belly, take out the guts, cut off the fins, take out the bones. Lay it flat on the back, grate over it a small nutmeg, two or three blades of mace, beat fine. A little pepper and salt, strew over it a handfull of parsley shred fine with a few sage leaves, roll it up tight in a cloth bind it well, if it be of a middle size boil it in salt water three quarters of an hour, hang it up all night to drain, add to the pickle a pint of vinegar, a few pepper corns and a sprig of sweet marjoram. Boil it ten minutes and let it stand until the next day. Take of the cloth and put your eals into the pickle. You may send them whole on the plate or cut them up in slices, garnish your dish with green parsley. Lampreys are done the same way.
To make cheesecakes
To a half pint of curd rub in a quarter of a pound of butter, 3 spoonfulls of rich cream, the yolks of four eggs and the white of one. A quarter of a pound of sugar, half a pound of currants well dried, mix all well together. Bake them in patties with a good crust under.
Miss Fry
To cure bacon the common way
Lay your flitches on the block and salt them well for one week. Pour off the bloody brine and then add to a large pig, 1 pound of salt petre finely beaten which your bacon is to be covered over with and ditto with common salt to lay for three weeks and turnd twice a week. NB A small pig will take only three quarters of a pound of salt petre if you wish your bacon to eat like hams add one pound of course sugar or treacle with ¼ of a pound of bay salt and 2 ounces of salt prunella, put in a stew pan and stirred about, be sure to put your common salt after all this.
Mrs Pullin.
To make carrot soup
Take a good broth made of mutton or beef. Boil some carrots quite soft. Then rub a sufficient quantity through a lawn seive to make your soup nearly as thick as pease soup. When sent to table put a roll in it but first dip it in cold water.
Mrs Walfreston
To make brawn
When the pig is cut up take the head and hocks. Divide the head down the skull take off the ears and the tongue out and salt all together for 4 or 5 days with salt petre and common salt, then boil them till you can take the bones out easily, spread a cloth on a large dish and place the head on it, slit the skin off the hocks, and lay round where there is none to the head. Divide the tongue down the middle also cut the ears. Then take it up cloth and all and put it into a Hoop with a lose bottom. Then with a knife divide the chap at the thick part of it and put it in the lean part of the hocks and place in the ears and tongue so as to make it look mottled. Have ready some nutmeg and allspice pounded and some pepper and salt which must be strewed in while mixing. Lay some skin at the top then put a thin board over it and fold the cloth smooth on that then another board and put it in a press, take it out the next day and put it in a pickle. It should stand in a flat wooden dish while pressing. NB the pickle for the above is a receipt or 2 back. [See collared eels jsl]
To make currant jelly
To a pint of juice, three quarters of a pound of sugar, boil it till it jellies.
To make hartshorn jelly
Take six ounces of hartshorn and one ounce of isinglass, put to it four pints of spring water and let it boil very gently four hours, till rather more than half is boiled away, than pour it clear off into a basin and put a pint of water to it. The hartshorn and isinglass must be boiled two hours more till it comes to half a pint, then pour that off into another basin and let it both stand till the next day. Then put it into the pan you intend, draining it in and set it over the fire, just letting it dissolve, then take it off and [turn over] when it is cold as it can be without jellying, put in three quarters of a pint of mountain wine, the juice of two lemons, the peel of one, sweeten it to your taste. Beat the whites of five eggs to a froth and put in also, put it on the fire, stir it till just going to boil, and no longer, let it boil rattling for five minutes, then throw it into your bag and as it runs thro your bag, pour thro it again till quite fine. Then let it run into your glasses, wet your bag with boiling water and wring it out just before your jelly is ready. This quantity makes sixteen glasses, your bag must be hung close to the fire and kept very warm and it should be made with the flannel double.
Mrs Wm Stock.
To make milk punch
2 nutmegs sliced, 7 lemons, 2 quarts of brandy, 2 quarts of rum, 2 pounds of best lump sugar, 6 quarts of water, 2 quarts of new milk. Pare the lemons and scoop out the insides into a deep pan. Then put to them the rum, brandy, sugar, nutmeg and water. Let it stand close covered for 13 hours, then add the milk scalding hot, but take care it does not boil. When you pour the milk on the ingredients hold you hand very high for the more it curdles the better. Stir it 3 or 4 times then cover it up again for an hour, pour it into a flannel bag putting it backwards and forwards as you do jelly, until it is quite clear. Bottle and cork it close.
To prevent bread from becoming bitter.
Put the barm into a pan and put a charcoal coal red hot into the same.
To pickle small onions.
Take small onions peel off the outside skin and put them in salt and water all night. Pour that away and put a fresh pickle of salt and water made stronger than the first, set them on the fire in this and let them just boil. Skim them well, take them of[f] the fire and set them by to cool. Make a pickle of white wine vinegar, pepper, mace and ginger, boil it and let it stand to cool, then dry the onions from the brine and put them into the pickle. If you add mustard seeds they will keep some time.
To pickle the large plums
Take your plums not too ripe wipe them carefully with a clean cloth, put them in a strong brine twenty four hours then put them in a large mouth’d jar. Make your pickle with white wine vinegar and a great deal of ready made mustard, a piece of ginger, 3 or 4 heads of shallots and garlic. Your pickle must not be warmed only mix all together and pour it on your plums, then cover your jar with a bladder and leather over it, they will be fit for use in a very short time.
Mrs Mereweather.
A family plum cake
Take a half a quarter of dough, half a pound of butter, four eggs, half a pound of moist sugar, two pounds of currants, a little nutmeg and ginger, beat well up together and baked in a tin. Add sliced citron and orange peel if agreeable.
To pot butter for the winter
The water must be well worked out of the butter and not potted for 2 or 3 days and then worked up again for if any water is left in, it will not keep good.
To Make Patties
A peice of veal parboiled some beef suet and fat bacon an equal quantity of each. Take some parsley and lemon thyme, put it to the meat and chop it all very fine together, season it with pepper, salt, cloves and mace, put it all in little pans with rich puff paste. You may add an oyster or two or a little asparagus chopped fine.
To pickle red cabbage
Take the cabbage and shred it fine put it in a clean dripping pan with three handfulls of salt to a large cabbage, dry it at the fire till it feels crisp, boil the best white wine vinegar, with some allspice, when cold pour it on the cabbage. Take ginger, mace, a little more allspice and half a nutmeg, pound them in a mortar fine, add ½ a teaspoonfull of cayane pepper tie all together in a piece of muslin and put in the jar with the cabbage.
Mrs Somebody.
Sally Lunds
A pint of milk a peice of butter the size of a walnut, let it stay on the fire till it is luke warm. The yolk and white of an egg well beat, one large spoonfull of yeast in water, mix them well together and strain it through a seive and make it as stiff as you would a peice of dough. Let it stand two hours and make it into small rolls. You may add a little salt in the making.
Mrs Pearse
To make elder wine
Pick your berries clean from stalks. To every gallon of water put a Quarter of a peck of clean berries, boil them well, then strain off the berries and put the liquor again into the copper with 2 pounds and a half sugar to every gallon. Then add a quarter of a pound of ginger and one oz. of cloves to every 12 gallons. This done, boil the whole together and skim it well. But in the boiling let the spice be put in a bag, when the liquor is blood warm work it with a toast of yeast. The next day, tun it up, take the spice out of the bag and put it in the cask with the liquor.
For a giddiness
A teaspoonfull of mustard seed in a glass of port wine.
To pickle mushrooms white
Take your mushrooms and clean them with a flannell, salt and a great deal of water. Then throw them into a pan of water and just wash them round, put them in a saucepan and let them boil gently up. Take them off the fire and strain them from the water, put them in a cloth and stire them till there [sic] are cold, then put them in cold distill’d vinegar and stive [pack them tight] them down close then let them lay a day. Then put them in your glasses with mace and white peppercorns. The glasses must be filled with fresh vinegar and tyed down very close.
To pickle beef or tongue
Put your beef with a quantity of quarter of a pound of salt petre, let it lay a day and night, then put the same quantity of Bay salt and oz. of salt Prunella, ½ a pound of sugar and a pound of common salt, let your beef lay till the salt turns to brine then baste and turn it every day for a month or five weeks. NB a pound of salt is rather too much for beef.
Red currant wine.
The currants to be full ripe when gathered, to be stript from the stalks and washed. To three quarts of juice put two quarts of water, let it stand until next day, stirring it well, then press it and strain it. To one gallon of liquor put three pounds of lump sugar and put it into the cask, but do not stop it until it has done fermenting. Early in the spring, add one quart of the best brandy to every six gallons of wine. A few raspberries will give it a fine flavour.
To make walnut catchup
To one hundred of walnuts chop’d small put a pound of salt and a gallon of port wine. Let it stand 3 days then strain it off and dissolve a pound of anchovies in a little of the liquor over the fire and after straining it pout into it and add pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and mace of each a quarter of an ounce. Put it into bottles and stop it close.
To make a good plain cake.
One pound and six ounces of flour, ½ a pound of currants and half a pound of butter, seven ounces of lump sugar, seven eggs, and a little white wine.
To stew eels, soles or any kind of fish.
When the fish is clean’d, flour it and put it into your stew pan with a pint of port wine and water. 1 anchovy, 2 onions, a peice of burnt crust, some thyme and parsley, 2 table spoonfulls of walnut catchup, the same of mushroom catchup, a slice of butter rubbed in flour, cayenne, salt, and to your taste. When it is thoroughly hot let it stew gently for 2 or 3 hours. Then take out the onion, herbs and crust and send it hot to table.
A gargle for a sore throat
One ounce of tincture of bark with 5 drops of elixir of vitriol mixt together. Two
tea spoonfulls of which must be put into a tea cup with the addition of two or three table spoonfulls of blood warm water. To be done two or three times a day.
Mrs Heneage.
To make a mushroom catchup.
Cut the mushrooms into peices and put them in a earthen pan, a layer of salt and a layer mushrooms. Then once a day wash them with your hand till they have stood a week. Then strain them and let them stand to settle them. Strain off the liquor again and boil it with mace, cloves, ginger and whole pepper and bottle it for use.
To make good pastry.
Let your butter be well beat so as to leave no water in it. Then roll out your paste and spread the butter over it tolerably thick three times. Then make your pies.
Mrs Britain.
For the rheumatism
One third of hartshorn put into some very strong soapsuds and rub the part affected by the fire. Supposing it is not in the stomach it is an excellent remedy.
Mrs Heneage.
To dress a calf’s head like turtle
Take a head with the skin or scald the hair off. Then parboil it, cut it into peices the same as for hashing, season it with sweet marjoram, winter savory, thyme, onions, parsley, a little mace and cayenne pepper. Spread this over the head, then put it into a pan with 3 pints of water and bake it two hours. You must tie a paper over the pan. When it is baked, put it into a stew pan and thicken it with four yolks of eggs and half a pint of Madeira wine or more if you like it some forced meat balls seasoned with cayenne pepper and when you serve it up a dozen of hard yokes of eggs garnish your dish with lemon or what you please you may add to it haffles mouls [handfuls of mussels?], artichokes bottoms, oysters, mushrooms, pickled cucumbers cut in little bits and small peices of bacon.
A good pudding without milk
Six oz. of suet, ditto of bread and apples, 3 oz. of currants, six eggs well beaten, two spoonfulls of sugar and half a nutmeg. You may put in a few almonds. And it must boil three hours.
To make ginger wine.
Take 14 gallons of water and 14 pounds of sugar lump, 2 oz. of ginger well bruised, boil them together one hour, then add the whites of eight eggs well beaten. Then take off the scum as it rises, strain it into a clean dry tub and let it stand will it is cold. Then put it into a cask with the juice of 12 lemons and the peel cut very fine and then, about half a spoonfull of ale yeast on the top. Stop the cask close for a fortnight it may then be bottled in another
Turn Over Mrs Simmons
Fortnight it will be fit for drinking. NB It is thought 10 or 12 pounds of sugar will make it sweet enough.
Mrs Austin, Calne.
To make minced pies
Take one large lemon strain out the juice and boil the rind and pulp till tender. Then beat it smooth in a marble morter, put to it one pound of currants, half a pound of suet, the lemon juice, a glass of sack and a glass of brandy. Add candid orange and citron, white wine will answer the purpose.
Mrs Mereweather
To make Dutch beef
Take a rib piece of beef 10 or 12 pounds weight. Put a quarter of a pound of salt petre and a pound and a half of common salt, mix both well together. Lay your meat in a deep dish and rub it well with the salt. Then pour a pint of cold water to dissolve the salt, turn and rub it several times a day, let it remain in the salt a month. Then hang it up to drain. Then sew it up in a cloth and send it to be smoked for a month. When you want to use it take it out of the cloth and let it boil gently till tender and remain in the water till cold.
To make pease soup
Take three quarts of water and one pint pease, boil them well with one pound of beef. Then strain it through a seive. Take two heads of celery, two carrots, two turnips, six onions, and a little mint, shred these small. Fry them brown in half a pound of butter, put it all into the soup and serve it up. The soup will be extremely rich and good without any meat.
To stew pigeons
Pepper, salt, cloves, mace and sweet herbs, rubb’d in butter. Put in the inside of the pigeons, tie up their necks and tails and half roast them. Then put them into a stew pan, with a quart of good gravy, some mushrooms, a few pepper corns, a blade of mace, a little lemon peel and a bunch of sweet herbs, let them stew till they are done enough. Then put the pigeons in the dish strain the gravy. Thicken it with butter and flour and pour it over the pigeons in the dish and send it to table.
To make a common bread cake
Two pounds of flour, half a pound of butter, four eggs, leave out the white of two. Beat them and put to them half a pint of warm milk and 2 or 3 spoonfulls of yeast, strain it and mix it up in a paste, set it before half an hour good fire to rise [sic]. Then add a large tea cup of powdered sugar, some caraways, or currants if you like.
To make minced meat
Three pounds of currants, three pounds of suet, three pounds of
apples. One pound of sugar, one pound of raisons and 3 glasses of brandy.
[This next recipe is on an inserted sheet]
Apple marmalade
Pare and core the apples, put them in the oven half an hour before the bread is drawn and let them remain until sufficiently done to be bruised to a pulp with a spoon, then put to every pound of fruit 3/4lb of fine Lisbon sugar and add essence of lemon sufficient to give it a nice flavour. Boil and [seeth?] it until it becomes a good color and begins to look transparent but be careful not to let it stick or burn. An apple with rather a sharp flavour is the best.
Lower Court
November 18th/49.
To make a pickle for brawn
Take as much water as will more than cover your brawn, add to it seven or eight handfulls of bran, a few bay leaves and salt enough to give it a very strong relish. Let all boil together for an hour and a half. The strain the bran from the pickle and put your brawn into it the following day. NB Renew the pickle as often as required, which will be about once a fortnight if made strong.
To preserve apricots green
Take your apricots when you can run a pin through them and put them into a skillet of water with spinage thrown over them and set them over a gentle fire laying paper over the spinage leaves to keep them close. Let the skillet stand till the water is scalding hot then take it off the fire and let in stand awhile then set it over the fire again and do so till they are as green as you could have them. Then take their weight of a double refined sugar and put a little more water than will wet it and let it boil till they be quite green.
To pickle beef
A gallon of water, 6 pounds of salt, ¼ of a pound of salt Prunella, 1 pound of brown sugar. Boil it well and strain it. When cold put in the beef and keep it well covered with the pickle, which ought to be boiled up every six weeks and materials added according to the increase of the pickle.
This receipt given me by Richard.
To stew pears
To six pears take six ounces of powder sugar. Pare and slit the pears and roll them in the sugar and put them in a stew pan with three pints of water, let them boil very quick and stew them over a slow fire till they are almost done, then add a little lemon peel, some cinnamon and a few cloves when they are quite done add 2 glasses of red wine.
An orange pudding
The rind of two oranges grated, the yolks of ten eggs, half a pound of sugar, half a pound of butter. The dish must be lined with paste and a little time will bake it.
Baked gooseberry pudding
3 quarters of a pound of Naple biscuits, ½ a pound of butter melted, 8 eggs, the yolks only, ½ a pint of scalded gooseberries, rub’d through a seive, sugar and nutmeg to your taste. About ¾ of an hour will bake it.
Miss Davies
Corporation pudding
A quarter of a pound of Naple biscuits roll’d, 6 ounces of blanch’d almonds, 1 quart of cream, 2 drops of cinnamon water, the yolks of 8 eggs. Sweeten it to your taste. Put the eggs the last thing. About ¾ of an hour will bake it.
To preserve currants
Gather your currants when dry and ripe. Beat the finest sugar and white of eggs together and lay them by on tins to dry. They will keep a few months in a dry place and will make a pretty sweetmeat.
To make a short crust.
Take one pound of flour and near half a pound of sugar mixes in the flour. Rub in half a pound of butter, three eggs only but one white, well beat with a little water, mix the flour and roll it out once.
A good plain cake
One pound of flour, one pound of powdered sugar, 8 eggs well beaten. The eggs and the sugar must be mixt together first, then break the flour in a little at a time. If you wish to make it richer add one pound of butter and two more eggs.
To make currant shrub
To a pint of white currant juice put six oz. of sugar, run it through a flannell bag till it is fine. Then add a quart of rum. NB tis not amiss to run it through again after the rum is added to it. [shrub was a herbal alcoholic cordial, jsl]
Veal cake
Six pounds of the best end of a breast of veal. Bone it and cut it in pieces, have ready 6 eggs boiled hard, take the yolks out and slice the whites. The yolks only cut through the middle. 2 anchovies, a good deal of parsley chopd fine, some lean ham in slices, all these to be seasoned with cayenne pepper, black ditto, a little nutmeg and salt. Have ready a pot the size you mean to make your cakes, put a little butter in the bottom of it. Then a layer of veal, ham and eggs and parsley to your fancy, then a layer again and so on till it is all in. All the bones are to be laid on the top. Let it stand 3 or 4 hours in the oven, when you take it out of the oven, take the bones off and let it stand with a weight on it to press it down, till it is quite cold. Just dip the pot into warm water when you take it out.
To make Indian pickle
One gallon of vinegar put into a stone jar, 5 ounces of flour mustard, 2 oz. of garlic, 2 oz. of shalots, 4 oz. of ginger in laces, 4 oz. of temerick, a large handfull of salt. 2 oz. long pepper, one oz, of allspice, ¼ of an ounce of cayanne pepper. Put all into a gauze or muslin bag and throw it into the vinegar either after the vinegar is cold or boil all together. Then the pickle is made.
You may put in French beans, apples or any thing you like except walnuts or mushrooms. The cabbage must be old and white, cut in bits well salted and dried in the sun. Apples &c. must be salted and dried in the sun. Be very careful in gathering every thing quite dry or will spoil all the pickle. Remember this Mrs Symons.
Mrs Maundrell receipt.
[This next recipe on a sheet of paper tucked into the book]
Cheese cakes
To half a pound of curd rub in a quarter of a pound of butter then three table spoonsfull of rich cream, the yolks of four eggs, the white of one, a quarter of a pound of white sugar powdered, half an ounce of currants well picked and dry, rub’d in a cloth, mix all well together bake them in patties with a good crust under them.
To preserve Magnum Bonums
The plums must be quite ripe but the skins whole and gathered in the dry. Then with a fine needle prick them all over the skin. Pound their weight of loaf sugar and strew over them and let them stand till the sugar is dissolv’d. Then strain the syrup from them and let it simmer, then put the plums therein and let them boil for 10 minutes. Then put them by in the preserving pan and boil them the same. The next day put them into a jar with the syrup over them. Let them stand till cold and put brandy paper over them and tie them down close.
Mrs Howard, Calne.
Little plum cakes
Two pounds of fine flour, one pound of sugar, one pound of butter, one pound of currants and six eggs, beat only the whites, a little nutmeg and a little salt. The flour and sugar must be well dried. Likewise the currants and butter well rub’d in the butter and sugar before the eggs are put in.
Mrs Henage.
To make boild custard
To a quart of cream put the yolks of ten eggs you must put a little mace, cloves and nutmeg in a bit of muslin before it goes on the fire with half the peel of a lemon. When it boils pour in your eggs and sugar. But besure [this is as written] and keep stirring it all the while it is on the fire that it may not turn to curds. When it is thick enough take it off the fire and when it is almost cold put it in your cups.
Rice flummery
One pint of milk put two thirds into a saucepan with a few leaves [?of bay, jane] let it scald some time. Mix the other third of the milk with two spoonfulls of fine rice flour then put it to the scalded milk, first taking out the leaves. Let it boil till quite thick. Then add sugar and grated lemon peel to your taste. Pour it into the moulds quite hot. The next day turn it out and stick it with blanch’d almonds and [turn over] the sauce may be made of cream fine sugar and lemon. The same as for a trifle and pour’d into the dish.
Mrs Fry
To make little puddings
Grate the cream of a stale penny loaf [perhaps the white bread not the crust? Jane]. Boil a pint of milk with some lemon peel shred fine pour it over the bread mix a tablespoonfull of flour in a little of the milk put in and stir a slice of butter when cool put in five eggs, leave out two whites, five or six bitter almonds [these contain Prussic acid, today we would use sweet almonds together with a little orange liquer for flavouring, see Jane Austen’s Cookbook p125] and some sugar. Bake them in small basins buttered. They must be baked brown in a quick oven and turned out in a dish with melted butter and wine.
To make rasberry jam
To three quarts of raspberries put half a pint of currant juice and two pounds of fine powder’d sugar, boil it till it is very thick but you must keep it stiring that it may not boil to the pan. Then put it in pots for use.
To make a diet bread cake
Take 10 eggs, the weight of ten eggs in sugar and the weight of five eggs in flour, 2 oz. of blanchd almonds well beat with a little rose water and lemon peel, beat the yolks of the eggs and sugar together, then beat the whites of the eggs to a froth and drop the eggs and sugar into the froth, stirring it all the while. Then stir the flour in at the last. NB Bake it an hour & a quarter in a slow oven.
Mrs Heneage.
To make jelly broth
Quarter of a pound of a scrag of veal, ditto of mutton. Put into 3 pints of water after having very carefully taken off every bit of fat. Put in a large blade of mace and boil it gently till about a pint is gone. Then add a tablespoonfull of pearl barley and one handful of hartshorn shavings and boil it gently to one pint. Let it stand till quite cold then skim off the top all the fat [turn over] when it will be a very strong jelly, take a cup of this at any time you like, it is a light and comfortable thing for the stomach and at the same time it strengthens.
Miss Harrison.
To make raison wine
Put eight pounds of fruit to a gallon of water and let it remain in a tub for about three weeks, stirring it well every day. Then draw off your wine and press the fruit well. Put it it a cask where it must remain about a month and then be drawn off. The Blackland method of making good raison wine
For fine wine
To 40 gallons of wine 12 oz. of isinglass soak’d in a little of the wine for 2 or 3 days, wisk it up often until dissolv’d. The put into it one oz. of nitre. Mix it and pour it into the vessel and stir it well together with a stick. NB It will be fine in three weeks and Mrs Headley does not think it necessary to add the nitre unless it ferments.
Strengthening broth
Kill, pick and draw a very old cock and put it in a mortar and bruise it till all the bones are broken. Then put it into a pan with two quarts of milk, two oz. of isinglass, cover it over and send it to the oven to be reduced to one quart. Then strain off the liquor and keep it in a cool place for use. Take a tea cup full night and morning made warm.
Nottingham ale
When the copper had boil’d, pour into the washing tub one half of the water you mean to brew. Let the copper be fill’d a second time to be boil’d as soon as possible and let the water stand in the mashing tub, till such time that you can see the reflection of your face in the water. Then let one person pour in the malt gently while another is stirring at the same time. Cover the mashing tub close and [turn over] and when the copper has boil’d the second time you may fill the mashing tub with the water. Let it be closely cover’d and stand for 3 hours. Then let it run off very gently or at most at the rate of a hogshead in 5 hours. Boil the wort one hour. 6 pounds of hops, it good, are sufficient for 10 strikes of malts. Afterwards boil the wort and hops for one hour and a half.
A light paste for tarts
Beat the white of an egg into a froth and mix it with as much water as will make 3 quarters of a pound of flour into a stiff paste. Roll it out very thin, lay the third part of half a pound of butter in thin pieces, dredge it with a little flour, roll up tight, then roll it out thin again and so till half a pound of butter and flour is used. Then make your tarts. This paste requires a quick oven.
Mrs Wolfreston.
For a dropsy
To a pound of juniper berries bruised add half a pound of brown ashes, half a pound of mustard seed. Put these into a vessel with 2 gallons of new ale. If it has been brew’d but week or fortnight it is the better. Take half a pint once or twice a day warm. It will be fit for use in a week. NB Add a plaister for the same to be applied to the pit of the stomach two pennyworth of frankincense spread on sheep’s leather. It sometimes gives great pain, but must not be regarded for it generally occasions a very great pain for it will cause a great discharge of water for a considerable time, and if not tried too late was scarce ever known to fail.
This recovered Mrs Heneages servant when he had been tapp’d several times.
A receipt for a cough
A large tea cup full of linseed, two pennyworth of stick liquorice, a quarter of a pound of jar raisons, a quantity of sugar candy, say a quarter of a pound, boil’d in two quarts of water till reduced to one, a pint to be drank morning and night.
[A different handwriting from here, Jane]
To make goosberry wine
To a gallon of juce, one gallon of water and three pounds of sugar to every gallon.
To pickle hams, tongue, beef &c
4 gallons of water, 6 pounds of salt, 1lb of bay salt, 3 oz. of salt petre, 2 oz. of salt purnel, 1lb of brown sugar. To be well boiled and skimmed and not to be used till cold. This pickle will keep good for twelve months by being boiled about once.
A pound of gooseberries to a pint of water
Bruise the gooseberries put them in the water and let them remain until the gooseberries rise to the surface of the water which they will do in 3 or 4 days, then squeeze them again till they sink to the bottom then strain them off. 3 and a half of sugar to a gallon of the liquid. 80lb of gooseberries to 10 gallons of water.
To make currant wine
To every gallon of juice add two gallons of water and to every gallon of wine, three pounds of brown sugar. Stir it well in two days put in a cask to ferment.
Lemon wine.
To ten gallons of water [wine measure] take 30 pounds of loaf sugar, the juice of 80 large lemons and the rinds of 40 pared very fine. Break the sugar small and put it into the water cold and when it begins to boil skim it till clean then pour it out and when clean put a toast spread with yeast and let it stand 2 or 3 days. Strain the juice of the lemons into the cask with the rind then strain the spirits through a bay [bag? Jsl] to it. Stop it lightly and let it stand 2 or 3 months an longer if you please.
Take seven pounds of sugar, four gallons of water and boil them a quarter of an hour, skimming all the time. When the liquor is cold squeeze in the juce of ten lemon. The boil half the peels with two ounces of good ginger in three pints of water for an hour. When it is cold pour it into the other liquor and pour all together into a barrel with two spoonsful of yeast, a quarter of an ounce of isinglass beat very thin and two pounds of jar raisins, close it up immediately, let it stand seven weeks and then bottle it off.
Geo Edward Symons
To make common cake
Dry three pounds ½ of flower, rub in one oz. of caraway seeds, one lb of butter, ½ lb of course sugar, a little ginger and lemon put to be well mixed before you pout the yeast then add four tablespoonfuls with a little warm water and lay it to rise. Make it of a proper thickness with milk or water the chill taken from it. Beach? Glass of Beer One ell of currants the above to make two cakes.
[different handwriting again, jane]
Mince pies
Chop fine three pounds of suet and three pounds of apples, when pared and cored, wash and dry, three pounds of currants stoned and 1 pound of jar raisins, beat and sift one pound and a ½ loaf sugar, cut small twelve oz. of candid orange peel and six ounces of citron, mix all well together with ¼ of an oz. of nutmeg, half a quarter of an oz. of cinnamon, six or eight cloves and half a pint of French brandy put in close up and keep for use.
[another hand, jane]
Good lavender water
1 pinch of spirits of wine, 1 oz of the best oil of lavender, to be well shook together. And the longer it is kept, the better it becomes.
[yet another hand]
For the rheumatism
One ounce and a half of camphorated oil, half an once of spirit of ammonia to be well shook together and rubbed upon the part affected at going to bed.
For a cough
Three table spoonfuls of vinegar, treacle boiled for a short time and when cold add 30 drops of laudanum and a teaspoonfull to be taken when the cough is troublesome.
Horse medicine
Phymegric [fenugreek?]
Tentrein of each
2 oz.
Sulphur antimony
Of each half a pound
Mix altogether
One table spoonful
To be given twice a week.
To be given after the water in the corn or a little bran.
For the harness
One oz. of ivory black
do of indigo
2 oz. of bee’s wax
ditto spirits
ditto turpentine.
Cheese cake
To a pound and a half [which must not be squeezed but hung up in a cloth] curd, three quarters of a pound of butter, the yolks of eight eggs, three quarters of a pound of lump sugar sifted, rub the curd with the butter through a hair sive. Then mix all the ingredience together and add as much mace as will make it agreeable to your taste.
Miss Jones [seems to have written this herself]
Un-named recipe, for a pudding cooked in a basin [change of hand again]
Five table spoonfuls of flour, six eggs, half the whites, sugar, nutmeg, lemon peel grated, a little white wine, an brandy, well mix these ingredients together and thin it milk to the consistency of a thick batter. BCE
Tie down your basin after buttering and flouring it, boil it one hour and a half.
To destroy bugs
Get half a drachm of spirits of salts, mix it with a quart of turpentine, shake it up and with a small brush wash well the places where your unwelcome guests resort and they will soon leave you; do not buy the corrosive sublimate untill you want to use it: mix it at once; it is a dangerous article to lay about, being deadly poison.
For a cough
Illegible, but one two or three to be taken last thing at night and first in the morning as the stomach will bear it.
Written off in a fresh book by Edward Symons
July 1st 1827.
Index of recipes:, numbers refer to recipe 1, recipe 2, etc.
Ale, Nottingham 73
Apple marmalade, to make 47 and following 48
Apricots, green, to preserve 49
Bacon, to make the common way 11
Baked gooseberry pudding 53
Beef, to pickle 50, 78
Beef, to pot 26
Beef or tongue, to pickle 29
Beef, Dutch, to make 42
Black puddings, to make 7
Boild custards, to make 64
Brawn, to make 13
Brawn, to make a pickle of 48
Bread, to prevent from being bitter 17
Bread cake, to make a common 45
Broth, jelly, to make 69
Broth, strengthening, to make 72
Bugs, to destroy 90
Butter, to pot for the winter 21
Cabbage, red, to pickle 23
Cake, common, to make 82
Cake, Common bread, to make 45
Cake, Diet bread, to make 68
Cake, good plain, to make 32, 57
Cake, veal 59
Cakes, little plum 63
Calfs head, to dress like a turtle 38
Carrot soup, to make 12
Catchup, mushroom, to make 35
Catchup, walnut, to make 31
Cheese cake, to make 61
Cheesecakes, to make 10, 88
Collar eels, to 9
Common cake, to make 82
Corporation pudding 54
Cough, for a 76, 86, 90, 91
Crust, short, to make a 56
Currant jelly, to make 14
Currant shrub, to make 58
Currant wine, to make 80
Currants, to preserve 55
Custards, boild, to make 64
Diet bread cake, to make 68
Dropsy, for a 75
Dutch beef, to make 42
Eels, to coller 8
Eels, to stew 33
Egg balls, to make 2
Elder wine, to make 25
Fish, to stew 33
Fish sauce, Quins, to make 4
Flummery, rice 65
Gargle for a sore throat, a 34
Giddiness, for a 69
Ginger wine, to make 40
Gooseberries, un-named recipe 79
Gooseberry pudding, baked 53
Gooseberry wine, to make 77
Hams, to cure for two 1
Harness, for the 87
Hartshorn jelly, to make 15
Horse medicine 87
Indian pickle 60
Jam, raspberry, to make 67
Jelly, currant, to make 14
Jelly, hartshorn, to make 15
Jelly broth, to make 69
Lavender water, 84
Lemon wine 81
Little puddings, to make 66
Magnum bonums, to preserve, [plums] 62
Marmalade, apple, to make 47 and following 48
Milk punch, to make 16
Minced meat, to make 46
Minced pies, to make 41, 83
Mulberry syrup, to make 6
Mushroom catchup, to make 35
Mushrooms, white, to pickle 28
Nottingham ale 73
Onions, small, to pickle 18
Orange pudding, an 52
Paste, a light, for tarts 74
Pastry, good, to make 36
Patties, to make 22
Pears, to stew 51
Pease soup, to make 43
Pickle, beef 29, 50
Pickle of brawn, to make 48
Pickle hams 78
Pickle, Indian 60
Pickle, large plums 19
Pickle, mushrooms white 28
Pickle, red cabbage 23
Pickle, small onions 18
Pickle, tongue 29, 78
Pies, minced, to make 41, 83
Pigeons, to stew 44
Plate, to clean 8
Plum cakes, little 63
Plain cake, good, to make 32, 57
Plums, magnum bonums, to preserve 62
Plums, large, to pickle 19
Plum cake, a family 20
Pudding, un-named, made in a basin 89
Pudding, baked gooseberry 53
Pudding, Corporation 54
Pudding, good, without milk 39
Pudding, orange 52
Puddings, black 7
Puddings, little, to make 66
Punch, milk, to make 16
Quins fish sauce, to make 4
Raison wine, to make 70
Raspberry jam, to make 67
Red cabbage, to pickle 23
Red currant wine, to make 30
Rheumatism, for the 37, 85
Rice flummery 65
Sally Lunds, to make 24
Sauce, Quins fish 4
Sausages, to make 3
Short crust, to make a 56
Shrub, currant, to make 58
Soles, to stew 33
Sore throat, a gargle for 34
Soup, carrot, to make 12
Soup, cheap family, to make 5
Soup, pease, to make 43
Strengthening broth 72
Syrup, mulberry 6
Tarts, a light paste for 74
Throat, sore, a gargle for 34
Tongue [or beef]. To pickle 29, 78
Turtle, to dress calfs head like a 38
Veal cake 59
Walnut catchup, to make 31
Water, lavender 84
Wine, a fine, to make 71
Wine, currant, to make 80
Wine, elder, to make 25
Wine, ginger, to make 40
Wine, gooseberry, to make 77
Wine, lemon 81
Wine, raison, to make 70
Wine, red currant, to make 30