May 242016

Having decided that the kitchen was unbearable, even just pro tem (cold, dark, depressing…)thumb_IMG_0656_1024, I then panicked and chose a colour.  Not too bad in the end, brighter, cleaner, and much more liveable until the roof is fixed and we feel confident about doing permanent things to the house under the roof (as it were).  Anyway, we like it.  Nothing we can do about the dazzlingly blue sparkly granite tops without getting into rebuilding – and they don’t look quite so bad against the green (it says here).  And in the last picture you can see, on the wall, my tea towel.  Many, many tears were shed when the post lady delivered it.  What a lovely, lovely, delightful surprise!  I framed it instantly, and hung it where I see it hundreds of times every day.  Brilliant.thumb_IMG_4865_1024 thumb_IMG_0659_1024 thumb_IMG_4871_1024 thumb_IMG_4869_1024 thumb_IMG_4894_1024 thumb_IMG_4893_1024 thumb_IMG_4895_1024

 Posted by at 3:13 pm

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