Kenn Pride is a relatively new group, which was formed in April 2011 with the aim of winning the Village of the Year competition some time in the next decade. Well, that job is done – first time very lucky! While we waited for the results we raised some funds and bought some equipment and joined some worthy bodies.
Kenn Pride is an Unincorporated Association. There is no need to keep a membership list – anyone who lives in or around the village can simply turn up and take part. This is ideal for us in Kenn, since we don’t need staff or premises.
We did not have to seek approval of any kind before setting up and we are free to draw up our own democratic constitution setting out the rules under which the group will be run. We do not have to register with any regulatory body, and we don’t expect to raise more than £5000 a year. We carry the relevant insurances for events and public liability. We meet informally, and are separate from the Parish Council. All our income is from local events and sales of things like spring and autumn bulbs, bird food, etc. We raise funds to pay for and support local events. All the money raised goes back into the village, along with (usually) some entirely unlooked for donations!
We are members of CPRE, Britain in Bloom and Litter Action, among others. We are a local consultant on North Somerset issues. We also have close ties with the Fairtrade Village committee, Simply Kenn and the History Project.
To borrow or to keep for keeping the village tidy we have Hi-Vis vests, grabbers, gloves and bags. We have rock salt for free distribution to villagers provided some (or all) of it goes on the pavement or road. Bags are £1 each if they’re for personal use (in the boot of the car, perhaps!)
Anyone can join!! It’s all informal and ad hoc – let us have your email address or contact number and we’ll let you know when the next organised thing is happening. And in the meantime, individuals will continue doing what they want in the way of making and keeping Kenn a village we are proud of.
See the Village of the Year Entry page for Kenn’s submission –
While writing the entry it was frustrating to have to leave so much out!! There was space for just half a page on each of 4 topics: Community; Sustainability; Communications and a topic of our own choice (we chose Small is Beautiful). The only way to include mention of everything that goes on in Kenn would have meant merely listing them – which we didn’t do, feeling that some narrative or explanation was required. Nonetheless, on THIS page we CAN list all the things that go on in the village, so that we don’t forget how much above our weight we really do punch. There are 332 people and 132 homes in Kenn, we no longer have a shop or post office, our phone box is disused, we own no land, have no school nor crèche nor youth club. It sounds dreadful. But here is the list of things we DO have – incomplete because we will certainly have missed something off. Let us know if your group needs adding to the list, or if you’d like your own page on the website.
Monthly coffee mornings at the New Room
Monthly Market and coffee morning at the Hall
Table Tennis League (weekly)
Jumble Sales to fund the Christmas Parties (annually)
Book Group (monthly at the Drum)
Women’s Institute (monthly at the Village Hall)
Christmas Parties Team
Harvest Supper Team
Social Committee
Magazine Team
Website Manager
Quiz Team
Tidy Up Team
Village Hall Committee
Plant and Spring Bulb Band
Autumn Concert Chums
Village Walks
Fairtrade Village
Simply Kenn
Seed and Seedling Swap
Produce Exchange
Heaven Preserve Us Jams and Chutneys
Churchyard Chaps and Chapesses
History Project
Village Brunch
Kenn and Kingston Kombine