September 2013

 Women's Institute  Comments Off on September 2013
Sep 252013

Members of the Kenn Women’s Institute met in September after the summer break and were pleased to welcome Ann Gawthorpe who took us on a very informative trip down memory lane by reminding us of the events of 1951.  

She had some very evocative pictures of the Festival of Britain and other occurrences and people who were in the news then.  Although some of us remembered the year it is very hard to pinpoint when things actually happened.We continue our nostalgic theme at the October meeting when Mr Terry Merrett Smith will entertain us with the life and music of Irving Berlin.  Do please join us if you are a fan and would like to hear some of his songs.  The meeting will be on Wednesday October 9th in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.  We will be delighted to welcome visitors.

Do not forget to put our annual Flower Arranging evening in your diaries. This year it is being held on Wednesday November 20th in the Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.  Jackie Parkin is the demonstrator.  Tickets will be available soon.

Sadly, for a variety of reasons the Silent Auction due to be held on October 5th has been cancelled.  We are very disappointed as we were anxious to send a donation to the   Great Western Air Ambulance.  We hope to hold something a little less ambitious to raise funds.

 Posted by at 4:28 pm