Members of the Kenn W.I. were delighted to welcome Bryan Thompson who had come to talk to us about Bardsey Island and the bird sanctuary there. Bardsey is a small island off the coast of Wales which from the lovely slides that Bryan showed us is very reminiscent of small south coastal Cornish towns. A farming family and a resident warden live there all the time, otherwise it is populated by visitors and members of the Ornithological Trust. It looked idyllic in all its moods. Trevor Riddle assisted Bryan as he has broken his arm. We were pleased to see Trevor and Jill again.
At the March meeting, member Mrs. Edna Baber will demonstrate the art of decorative cake icing. She is an extremely skilled and intends members to participate in her talk. We hope that we will all go home with a decoration for our Easter cake. If you would like to come along and learn how to make a flower in icing we shall be delighted to welcome you.
The meeting will be on Wednesday 13th March at the Village Hall.